Finger Standards

Get to know Finger standards available
to make your project unique.
Lançamentos Finger Móveis Planejados - 2024 - Cozinha Integrada de Luxo com ilha, Vulkan Slate

The possibilities to get to the expected result in your projects. With these options of millimeters you can generate the visual perception you idealize with the quality in every material.

Doors and Panels

Standards, colors and textures allow an infinity of combinations, making your projects unique. All this, without giving up on the quality translated in the 5 years warranty that just Finger delivers to the customers.

LackLaminat Doors and Panels
LackLaminat Doors and Panels

With an outstanding shine in the ultra matte option, the Lacklaminat line generates a perception of widening in the spaces with de impressive resistance to scratches.

Cozinha Provençal - Baum - Soul Collection
Provençal Berlin, Munique and Lift - Doors and Panels

The romanticism and memories of provençal style are returning with strength. The rich and light design creates a calm and warm scenery, being perfect to that plus in your projects.

cozinha estilo europeu escandinavo nórdico
Stark - Panels

Ideal para criar aquele ar clássico, porém atual, em seus ambientes, promovendo as melhores memórias afetivas, repleta de carinho e acolhimento.

SOLICITE UM ORÇAMENTO Certificado de garantia
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