Finger Museum

Finger's history

1978 - 2023
The beginning of a beautiful history

The Finger Furniture Company was born from the will of an enterprising man to create wooden utensils for people’s daily lives. His intention was that the parts had quality and precision, technical features little found in products of that time. The first craft activities were developed by the founder of the company, Mr. Pedro Lauri Finger. Everything began to take shape in the basement of his family home in the district of Sarandi / RS, the current town of Nova Boa Vista. More than a hobby or leisure activity, the production of wooden children’s carts was the birthplace of the Finger family’s activities, creating solid foundations for other activities to be developed years later.

design escandinavo
The first steps

From the beginning, Finger has specialized in creating solutions for people’s lives, always thinking about pleasure and quality of life. Thus, in addition to toys that made the lives of children funnier, another wood stuff began to be requested by clients. The current currency was the Cruzeiro, and the country was crossing a recent change in the government scene, with the president João Figueiredo. Fatally, this instability would affect the speed of changes and evolutions so dreamed up by the family.

finger museu 1980
The valorization of the German culture

The production of wooden frames for local architecture, such as doors and windows, marked the first steps of the company. These products were scarce at the time. Besides serving as elements for protection of homes, they were required to compose the architecture of the Germanic style, applied in great part of the works of the region. The handwork of carpentry, rare and highly valued, was the great transforming agent who gave the lives of the residents something to be seen, a direct connection with their German ancestors: the drawing job on the wood of doors and windows.

Finding the perfect way

After that, Finger looked into the homes of people and realized that there was the stronghold that got families together: the kitchen! Wide environments that housed food production to feed those who worked in the field and, moreover, the best place to share the best moments with your loved ones. Soon, this became the pleasurable obsession of a family with a vocation to create effective solutions focused on improving the well-being of the people, culminating in the exchange of the facilities for a pavilion built next to the house of the Finger Family.

Looking forward

The need to expose its creations led Finger to exhibit his work at regional fairs from that year, such as Expofesa 1982 in the town of Sarandi / RS. More than spaces to eat and drink, the kitchens were the most desired room in the house. They were like synonymous for “winning in life,” a goal to be achieved by the children of Brazil’s settlers through hard work and poor financial conditions.

The dream in hard times

Owning a practical and functional furniture, at that time, was considered a dream often distant. The work of a lifetime could be used for the kitchen furniture, the only environment that received such attention by its users and also by the national industry that crawled with the production of furniture. Until then, little was said about environments filled with aesthetics and functionality, and what was worth was only occupy the homes permeated by the economic crisis of the 1980s.

A design tip

Over time, furniture for silverware or crystals, such as glass cupboards, were created by the Finger Family, corresponding to the demand of customers of the time. One can say that this was the first need to apply the design to beautify people’s lives, bringing more than just a functional furniture for the home, but also something desirable and of great aesthetic value.

Creating the essentials

The walking kept on with the production of furniture for kitchens’ homes of the region (Passo Fundo, Carazinho and Sarandi), acting as carpentry specialized in the production of this type of furniture and with the ambition to solve problems of people’s daily lives. This thought still permeates the company’s essence nowadays, helping in the business conduction and creating this fantastic history of unconditional love for what is done.

One step at a time

With the exchange of national currency for the Crusader by then-President José Sarney, a turnaround was expected in the economy mainly to keep inflation under control, an old challenge. Even with these uncertainties, every year the fame of Finger furniture’s quality spread throughout the city and its surroundings. When a piece of furniture was delivered, the neighborhood was called to see the news, according to the habit of the time. It is believed that this attitude culminated in the dissemination of the brand over the years, keeping with the surname of the family features of loyalty and good customer service.

Persistence speaking louder

The difficulty of finding news in the supply of raw materials meant stagnating processes, preventing new ideas from appearing quickly. However, this moment represented the beginning of creation of the furniture sector in the country, which would result in a great productive force of the national economy years later.

Time to strengthen convictions

Coming close to a new decade, the dream of moving forward producing furniture for Brazilian families started to become real with the promulgation of a new constitution. New challenges could be seen, and for a family that never gave up growing up and achieving their dreams, this was the chance to make their dream come true.

Seeking visibility

Keeping on with the announcement of furniture line’s evolution, it was Expocoobenvista’s turn to receive an environment made by Finger. The performance in regional fairs was ensuring the dissemination of the brand within the furniture sector that started to be structured, shaping a segment that would become one of the most important sectors of the national industry in a few years. The New Crusader arrived, a currency that lasted only one year, showing that Brazil wanted to change. So, the fall of Berlin’s wall transformed the world and, consequently, also was good for Finger, symbolizing new opportunities that were to come.

New decade, fresh air

Another exchange in the currency, now for Cruzeiro, was another sign of search for a new economy and better conditions for the Brazilian population. Thus, the beginning of the 1990s seems to have changed the air of the company, where the thought of mass production began. Later, this would become reality with the fraction of kitchen designs, allowing to reach more demanding clients through the inventive capacity of the Finger products.

The year of turning

Here the history takes a new path! This year, the company became professional and appears in the market of the South region of the country as the Finger Projected Kitchens, through a unique mass production system to this environment of Brazilian homes. The novelty was called Kitchen Kit, containing a 47 inch lower balcony, 47 inch air balcony, pan and cupboard. This change coincided with the new management board, passing to the hands of Mr. Edson Finger the responsibility of leading the next steps of the company.

Expanded presence

The focus on the production of kitchens allowed the increase in the productive specialization, adding new solutions to each request of the market, always seeking to meet the desires of clients who went through turbulent moments of the national economy. The action of Caras-Pintadas, student movement for a better country, indicated great shaking in the executive power that would be renewed shortly after. As all changes bring good omens, Finger maintained its focus on the qualified service of the demands of the Brazilian consumers, establishing the first partnership with regional commercial representatives, starting with Porto Alegre through Mr. Everson Ferraz.

In addition to kitchens, dorms

The strength of trade relations brought new demands to meet the needs of consumers. This year a new collection of mass produced products was implemented, responding to the wishes of a new furniture for dormitories, with dressers and closets. At that moment, the country began a great economic transformation, changing the currency once again, now to Cruzeiro Real. A foreboding of what would come next

Itamar’s beetle

With the changes in the economic scenario and the creation of the new book currency URV, which made the transition between the Cruzeiro Real and the Real as we know today, the company’s management began a new journey to expand its business and reinforce with the partners of the time. Like the then-president, Itamar Franco, with the stimulus to the new production of the car Beetle (from the German Volkswagen) Finger sought to reinvent itself to reach new levels. The result of this reinvention would appear in the following years.

Divide to multiply

New economic opportunities were being presented at the national level, and in that year of many thoughts and new ideas swarming that a new productive path began to be planted. It was understood that furniture sold in ready-made blocks, without the possibility of changing anything at all, would not be the answer consumers would expect in a few years. Thus, we began to think about the commercialization of single module’s furniture for kitchens.

The projected kitchens

Here, a new leap to meet better and with anticipation the desires of consumers. It was clear that people wanted to own a different furniture from the others, allowing to feel that the interior design created for one client would never be exactly like another one. Thus, the Finger Projected Kitchens achieved great success, starting from the South region and advancing to the Southeast region, more specifically in São Paulo, creating the bases for an even greater growth that would later reach the other regions.

Hello Brasil!

To reach new levels it was necessary seeking new facilities that had the same proportion of the desired dream. Thus, the year of 1997 was decisive for Finger Furniture Industry to transfer to the town of Sarandi, in the same location where it is today.

Flying farther

The time has come to expand horizons and embrace more states of the federation with an exhibition at Movelsul, the biggest fair in Latin America, held until the present days in the city of Bento Gonçalves / RS. At that time, the creation of a renewed product line happened to achieve such goals, projecting new looks to the other regions of the country, such as the Southeast.

New markets

Coming close to the turn of the millennium, new markets were being opened due to the change in the product line and the exhibition in national fairs. The Southeast expanded the Finger brand presence in more cities each month, symbolizing what would happen years later with the arrival of the planned furniture philosophy.

Wanting more

The idea was to spread the word that modulated furniture was the quick and effective solution to translate into furniture the impetus of the economy that sought its rise. Brazil was opening up to the world and, soon, Finger would seek to know more about the creation and production of furniture in international fairs.

Hello world!

Finger reached more and more space as a synonym of qualified and stable production, even exporting furniture to fit up the United Nations (UN) Building, on Major Kanhangulo Street, in Luanda / Angola. This was the first proof of the international entrepreneurial capacity that the company would seek with greater emphasis, years later. Also in that year, exports of furniture to neighboring countries such as Uruguay and Argentina occurred.

Thinking differently

International trips to search for new technologies, looking for better service to the design of Finger products happened that year. Events such as iSaloni, traditionally known as the Milan Trade Fair, in its old facilities, were targeted by the company.

Exporting the German DNA

A new invest in the international market happened with the export of a specific line of furniture for Miami / USA, with appropriated dimensions and shades to the market that requested it. Through the Milan Kitchens brand, owned by the local partner, Finger gave the American population some of its productive competence in the form of kitchen furniture. Another remarkable fact was the dissemination of the product line through soap operas and TV programs. It was a new horizon that was opening up in the eyes of the company.

Kitchen and what else?

Now the production of modulated kitchens was big, in a moment of expansion of the economy where new possibilities were sought. This year demonstrated that it was possible and necessary to reach other market segments, thinking about the commercialization of furniture to other environments of the house.

Walking solidly

Finger consolidated itself as one of the best national kitchen manufacturers and began a new stage in product development with the creation of a line of modules for dormitories. This creation opened precedents for the improved service of the demands of Brazilian consumers and changed the commercial focus of the company. A new path was created to be filled with great dedication.

Shining abroad

The evolution of the line of modules entirely thought to solve kitchen designs with the most varied aesthetic compositions was the business and productive focus of this era. At that time, it was thought to evolve the industrial methodology to reach high levels of excellence, creating modules and editable panels, great competitive differential for the time. This way, Finger has become even more relevant to its customers, taking their furniture to Casa Decor 2006 Trade Show in Miami / USA.

A ramp planned for success

The year of another turning point came: the presentation of a product line that allowed the creation of planned environments for all spaces of a home in the recently created Casa Brasil 2007 Furniture Fair in Bento Gonçalves / RS. This new moment represented a strong and positive turn to reach new outlets in the Northeast of the country, starting a new chapter in the corporation’s recent history. The Finger booth, in the shape of a large curve called “skateboard ramp”, is today remembered as the first expressive design act with the company’s DNA, being a sign of strong changes in this area in the coming years.

European design with German precision

A new brand position was developed to modernize institutional and commercial relations, stating with magnitude the promise of seeking high quality design and precision in its internal processes in everything it does, generating the slogan wielded till today: European design with the German precision. In addition, a new product’s catalog was created to demonstrate the productive evolution and the ability to accommodate Finger furniture in any environment of Brazilian homes.

Shaping the diamond

This was the year of the most important institutional demonstration of the company at national level since its inception. The participation in the Casa Brasil 2009 fair in Bento Gonçalves / RS, with a booth project that reminded, by its faceted forms, a diamond being shaped, created empathy in the Brazilian public for the design proposal that the company had: make differently which was made at that time. This boldness created a new way of relating to consumers, who were already eager for news in the national furniture sector.

Bending the thought

Understanding that different thinking was necessary has begun the quest for a new way to reach the consumers’ emotions. The planned furniture sector grew and was full of equal proposals, without great differentials. This year Finger began researching and developing a new way to create decorative parts in planned designs by disseminating the Kurve Panel, an integral part of the company’s aesthetic identity to the present day.

Design that beats!

The revolution of the Finger curves needed to be presented to the world, and it was in the third edition of Casa Brasil fair in Bento Gonçalves / RS that a new product line was developed to fill a spectacular booth that beats like the heart of its visitors. External lights in a triangular shape, another element that was firmly established as part of the company’s identity, were turned on and off representing the commercial momentum of the company, symbolized by the large-scale demonstration of the Kurve Panel and its multiple solutions, gradually expanding the company’s presence throughout national territory. Another innovative product in the planned furniture segment was the great example of innovation and conviction in Finger’s design ideals. The Venen Panel brought the possibility of inserting real, natural wood for architectural and interior design projects, following the line of planned furniture and creating the desire to have furniture with essence and more natural than those ones found in the market at that moment.

Transform environments for the well-being of people

In order to meet all the new demands, the expansion of the industrial park began to receive new technologies that helped recognizing Finger as the most modern factory in Latin America in its segment. A new factory that had a unique and great goal: allowing the production of solutions to transform environments for the well-being of people, becoming the mission of the company until nowadays. This year a new company of Finger group was born and, with the look of the Brazilian consumer, the decoration arm of the company. Falkk Design is specialized in the creation of loose decorative furniture, with young and innovative design, having opposite products of the head company.

Precision management

All this change required new and modern machinery with German technology for continuous improvement in its processes. The acquisition of the inventory manager marked this moment, bringing more security and precision to the productive process. This renewal created conditions for new product changes to occur years later.

Essentially design

A collection of products that marked the era. This was the Essenz Collection, which led to changes in the perception of what could be a new way of looking at residential furniture, seeking the differential in every detail. The Essenz pattern, designed by the Finger hands, innovated the biggest commodity in the industry by creating a tone that can be applied in any project, minimizing the natural aging sensation of the furniture. This is Finger’s fingerprint in people’s homes!

Award winning quality

Finger Planned Furniture has always sought excellence in its processes, understanding that this brings great benefits to consumers, which are the reason for its existence. All this dedication was crowned with the Quality Award of the Gaúcho Quality and Productivity Program (PGQP), received by the hands of the company’s director, Mr. Edson Finger, in Porto Alegre. This award is nationally recognized as the biggest demonstration of commitment that a company can have when it comes to the quality employed in all its processes.

Finger's Scandinavian design

While maintaining the quality achieved with the PGQP, repeating the award for the following year, a new revolution is being drawn within Finger for the homes of Brazilian consumers. A close and careful observation of the needs that must be met in order for people to have well-being at home, caused the creation of a collection of products full of new meanings. The Nord Collection marks the year 2016 not only because it has a high range of tones desired by the current customers, but also by the development of new innovative products that have a unique and great goal: bringing to people’s lives something more than just a beautiful mobile. Finger wants to bring more style represented by the translation of the latest national and world trends for the production of furniture, never forgetting the Brazilian consumers’ profile and their need to be different, after all: who likes to be equal to everyone?

The search for a unique path

Innovation is necessary, always. Every search for something new passes through the introspective analysis of genuine abilities so that it is possible to advance accurately, avoiding paths already taken by others. This means constantly reflecting on what is done well and that contains explicit barriers to copying. This makes the design unique. This adds value, indeed. Therefore, the surface coatings, present 100% in Finger products, are the subject of constant studies to achieve such differential. New technologies based on industrial processes begin to meet the ever more exclusive design needs, creating freedom to walk on its own path and full of elements fully aligned with the precepts of Finger brand.

Returning to origins vs. Looking to the future

New possibilities deserve new visual results. Thus, the Origins Collection was born, reflecting a completely innovative industrial and design movement, contemplating new surface finishes that fully respond to the wishes of Brazilian consumers. The group of new standards that revolutionizes the way in which Finger design composition is interpreted, also allows to deliver unique quality and lasting warranty to products that, in the conventional market, do not contemplate such points. The return to origins, in the 40 years Finger Planned Furniture, is a landmark for old concepts to be revised, to the detriment of a new future where the mission of transforming environments for the well-being of people is part of everyone’s daily life of partners involved in this transformation. Being different is this: doing the unthinkable with real conditions of applicability in Brazilian homes. So this is the most advanced collection of Finger products till today, ready to be a part of people’s lives.

Participação - Feira Internacional IMM COLOGNE - Alemanha
presença internacional
Towards the Internationalization of the Brand

Finger, which has been present in the international market for more than 20 years, through imports and exports, had as its main milestone for the consolidation of the export process, its participation as an exhibitor at the IMM Cologne fair, in 2020, in Germany. Always with a pioneering spirit and having innovation as a conviction in its strategic expansion planning, the company chose to be present at this important sector fair in 2020 and from that, many contacts from different countries were made, which were opening doors and consolidating the international presence of the company.

Padrão Staff - Lançamento Soul Collection
Padrão Staff
Bring up the soul that exists in your environments.

At Finger we are constantly searching for the most modern technologies, patterns and textures that follow the trends and the constant evolution of society; we seek for ergonomics, practicality and environmental protection.

We are always thrilled to offer well-being, beauty, practicality and warmth so that you can embrace and welcome everyone you care for through your personalized environment, the physical expression of your soul.

This philosophy has become the core of Finger since its foundation more than 40 years ago. This vision internalized and rose with the mission to transform environments to bring well-being to people, harmonizing the best of European design with precision.

Edson Finger - Diretor da Finger
Foto por Fabiano Panizzi
edson finger diretor finger moveis planejados recebe premio
Outstanding Export Award

Still in 2022, another achievement, with the Sectorial Highlight award at the 50th Exportação RS award, one of the biggest events in the segment in Brazil, promoted by the ADVB (Association of Marketing Directors of Brazil), which recognizes companies that present excellent performance in the international market, through innovative practices and great results. The RS Export Award is an initiative that highlights companies that remain firm on the export front regardless of the national economic scenario. The winners are companies that constantly qualify to find new opportunities for growth. Above all, they show that exporting is a permanent objective, which develops skills and brings energy to innovate.

Parque Fabril - Finger
Finger moveis planejados 2022 parque fabril
45 Years of History

From the production of wooden toys to one of the largest companies in the furniture sector in Brazil.

Today Finger has more than 300 employees, with more than 130 stores throughout Brazil, exporting to 8 countries. Finger’s story is a family story! But also an example of entrepreneurship, determination, struggle, achievements and family succession. A story that continues to be written every day, with hard work, dedication and entrepreneurial vision.

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